Episode 1
Flowers to roots birds to old nests
we continue forward.
Play with soil. Get your hands dirty.
See it with your eyes, touch it with your hands, hold it, knead it, smell it, observe it. We make full use of the five senses within us to sharpen our natural "intuition" and "feelings" then take action with confidence. We learn about the laws and essence of nature to keep our eyes on a cycling, sustainable future.
Ground work for the future
Organized by Fun Japan Communications

博多Hakata 博多
伊万里Imari 伊万里
有田Arita 有田
波佐見Hasami 波佐見
Nagasaki Prefecture, Hasami Ceramic Ware
One industry located within a single region has thrived for 400 years. The processes of which are divided up by the artisans and passed down from generation to generation. We searched for signs of a cycling, sustainable future in the way of life of the local industry.

大津Otsu 大津
彦根Hikone 彦根
高島Takashima 高島
Shiga Prefecture, Lake Biwa Pearls
The 4.4 million-year history of Lake Biwa is nothing more than continuous cycles of life. There, small cycles support larger ones. We delved into the pearl of Lake Biwa, a single drop born from its abundant cycles.